Amanda Hellryd solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, December 2019). Displayed art: 'Obstructed Directions', Amanda Hellryd, 2019 / Darkroom installation.

Amanda Hellryd solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, December 2019). Displayed art: 'Obstructed Directions', Amanda Hellryd, 2019 / Darkroom installation.

Amanda Hellryd solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, December 2019). Displayed art: Hanging sculptures by Amanda Hellryd, 2019 / Clay sculpture.

Amanda Hellryd solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, December 2019). Displayed art: 'Obstructed Directions', Amanda Hellryd, 2019 / Darkroom installation.

Oscar Hagen solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, November 2019). In the pic: windows performance before opening.

Oscar Hagen solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, November 2019).

Oscar Hagen solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, November 2019).

Oscar Hagen solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, November 2019). In the pic: windows performance before opening.
'Flowers in the Shadow' by Oscar Hagen, 2-17 November 2019
Oscar Hagen website / article in Vasabladet 01.11.2019 /

Eero Murtomäki solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, September-October 2019). In collaboration with Elokuvakeskus Botnia ry/Filmcentrum Botnia rf in the occasion of 'Kaarneen siivillä-On Wings of the Ravens' film premiere at Drama Hall in Vaasa (Finland, 28 September 2019).

Eero Murtomäki solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, September-October 2019). In collaboration with Elokuvakeskus Botnia ry/Filmcentrum Botnia rf in the occasion of 'Kaarneen siivillä-On Wings of the Ravens' film premiere at Drama Hall in Vaasa (Finland, 28 September 2019).

Eero Murtomäki solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, September-October 2019). In collaboration with Elokuvakeskus Botnia ry/Filmcentrum Botnia rf in the occasion of 'Kaarneen siivillä-On Wings of the Ravens' film premiere at Drama Hall in Vaasa (Finland, 28 September 2019).

Eero Murtomäki solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, September-October 2019). In collaboration with Elokuvakeskus Botnia ry/Filmcentrum Botnia rf in the occasion of 'Kaarneen siivillä-On Wings of the Ravens' film premiere at Drama Hall in Vaasa (Finland, 28 September 2019).
'Kuikan huuto' - photo exhibition by Eero Murtomäki, 22 September-6 October 2019
On the occasion of the Film Premiere On Wings of The Raven - Kaarneen siivillä (September 28-29th, Vaasa), Black box genesis, in collaboration with Elokuvakeskus Botnia, is pleased to host the photo show by Eero Murtomäki at the art space.
article in Vasabladet 27.09.2019 / Radio Vaasa interview 26.09.2019
Partner and sponsor: Lumimuutos Osuuskunta, Vaasa/Vasa Wildlife Festival, The City of Vaasa/Vasa , Taike, Eteläpohjanmaan kulttuurirahasto.

Film Screening at Black Box Genesis art space for the Night of Arts n Vaasa (Finland, 8 August 2019). In collaboration with Elokuvakeskus Botnia ry/Filmcentrum Botnia rf.

Film Screening at Black Box Genesis art space for the Night of Arts n Vaasa (Finland, 8 August 2019). In collaboration with Elokuvakeskus Botnia ry/Filmcentrum Botnia rf.

Urban installation by Bekim Hasaj & Valentina Gelain for the Night of Arts in Vaasa (Finland, 8 August 2019).

Film Screening at Black Box Genesis art space for the Night of Arts n Vaasa (Finland, 8 August 2019). In collaboration with Elokuvakeskus Botnia ry/Filmcentrum Botnia rf.
Vaasa Arts Night, 8th August 2019
Elokuvakeskus Botnia & Black Box Genesis together for the Night of Arts. The program for the evening included the screening of old films from the Elokuvakeskus Botnia archive and 'Glitch- sorry, there is interference' installation in urban environment by Black Box Genesis team.

Emil Pejtamalli solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, June 2019).

Emil Pejtamalli solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, June 2019).

Emil Pejtamalli solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, June 2019).

Emil Pejtamalli solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, June 2019).
'Valët e pamjes-waves' of view by Emil Pejtamalli, 7-13 June 2019

Bekim Hasaj solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, April-May 2019). Displayed art: 'Untitled', Bekim Hasaj, 2017 / Acrylic on canvas.

Bekim Hasaj solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, April-May 2019).

Bekim Hasaj solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, April-May 2019). In the pic: 'Deep Smoke' performance by Bekim Hasaj and Valentina Gelain, 2018-2019.

Bekim Hasaj solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, April-May 2019). Displayed art: 'Untitled', Bekim Hasaj, 2017 / Acrylic on canvas.
'Untitled' by Bekim Hsaj, 26 April-12 May 2019

Valentina Gelain solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, November-Dicember 2018). Displayed art: 'Fall', Valentina Gelain, 2018 / Digital photograpy.

Valentina Gelain solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, November-Dicember 2018). Displayed art: 'Panismo-my face', Valentina Gelain, 2016 / Pencil drawing.

Valentina Gelain solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, November-Dicember 2018). Displayed art: 'Crouch', Valentina Gelain, 2018 / Digital prints on canvas and cotton thread.

Valentina Gelain solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, November-Dicember 2018). Displayed art: 'Fall', Valentina Gelain, 2018 / Digital photograpy.
'Fall' by Valentina Gelain, 25 November-16 December 2018

Installation/performance by Bekim Hasaj & Valentina Gelain, with the participation of Susanne Malmi, at Black Box Genesis art space, Effati Carpet, and outdoors, for the Night of Arts in Vaasa (Finland, 9 August 2018). In collaboration with Effati Carpet. In the pic: scenography and objects painted for the performance.

Installation/performance by Bekim Hasaj & Valentina Gelain, with the participation of Susanne Malmi, at Black Box Genesis art space, Effati Carpet, and outdoors, for the Night of Arts in Vaasa (Finland, 9 August 2018). In collaboration with Effati Carpet. In the pic: the two characters left the painting to take a walk in the city... and towards the second location! Vaasa Arts Night, 9th August 2018.

Installation/performance by Bekim Hasaj & Valentina Gelain, with the participation of Susanne Malmi, at Black Box Genesis art space, Effati Carpet, and outdoors, for the Night of Arts in Vaasa (Finland, 9 August 2018). In collaboration with Effati Carpet. In the pic: third and last part of the performance, the characters are back into the painting!

Installation/performance by Bekim Hasaj & Valentina Gelain, with the participation of Susanne Malmi, at Black Box Genesis art space, Effati Carpet, and outdoors, for the Night of Arts in Vaasa (Finland, 9 August 2018). In collaboration with Effati Carpet. In the pic: scenography and objects painted for the performance.
Vaasa Arts Night, August 9th 2018
For the event, was presented to the public 'Living Painting', a performance of body painting and acting in and out-door, plus an pop-up exhibition.
Thank you: Susanne Malmi & Reza Effati (Effati Carpet).

Valentina Gelain solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, June-July 2018). Displayed art: 'Impossibility of movement', Valentina Gelain, 2015 / Artist's Book, cotton thread on cloth.

Valentina Gelain solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, June-July 2018).

Valentina Gelain solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, June-July 2018). Displayed art: 'Human dogs', Valentina Gelain, 2016 / Watercolor and cotton thread on paper.

Valentina Gelain solo exhibition at Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa (Finland, June-July 2018). Displayed art: 'Impossibility of movement', Valentina Gelain, 2015 / Artist's Book, cotton thread on cloth.
Panismo by Valentina Gelain, 7 June-22 July 2018

Black Box Genesis art space opening in Vaasa, (Finland, 1-2 June 2021). Displayed art: 'Memento mori', Bekim Hasaj & Valentina Gelain, 2018 / stop motion video.

Black Box Genesis art space opening in Vaasa, (Finland, 1-2 June 2021). Displayed art: 'Memento mori', Valentina Gelain, 2018 / watercolor study.

Black Box Genesis art space opening in Vaasa, (Finland, 1-2 June 2021).

Black Box Genesis art space opening in Vaasa, (Finland, 1-2 June 2021). Displayed art: 'Memento mori', Bekim Hasaj & Valentina Gelain, 2018 / stop motion video.
Black Box Art Space: renovation, decoration and inauguration, May-June 2018
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